Punto NET Soluciones SRL

Punto NET Soluciones SRL
Servicios Corporativos de Ciberseguridad - IT - DBA

martes, 30 de agosto de 2022

Ransomware-as-a-service: The new face of industrialized cybercrime

Ransomware, one of the most persistent and pervasive cyber threats, continues to evolve, and its latest form presents a new menace to organizations worldwide. Ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) is an arrangement between an operator, who develops and maintains the tools to power extortion operations, and an affiliate, who deploys the ransomware payload. When the affiliate conducts a successful ransomware and extortion attack, both parties profit. Ransomware attackers are motivated by easy profits, so adding to their cost via security hardening is key in disrupting the cybercrime economy. Click here to read our latest Security Insider blog and learn that steps to protect your business.


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