Punto Net Tech

Punto Net Tech
Servicios Corporativos de Ciberseguridad - IT - DBA

jueves, 28 de diciembre de 2023

The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft 365 E3

Enabling remote work boosts workforce continuity and improves employee satisfaction. But hybrid work brings its own set of challenges. The right technology can not only make your business more secure, it can save you money.  

Microsoft commissioned Forrester Consulting to conduct a Total Economic ImpactTM study to evaluate the potential financial impact of Microsoft 365 E3 on their organizations.

Read on to see how your business can use Microsoft 365 E3 to do more with less.


Tres formas de crear resiliencia empresarial para garantizar el futuro de tu negocio

Hoy en día, los negocios deben tener una estrategia digital integral que considere posibles incertidumbres y desafíos emergentes e identifique cuellos de botella en el proceso y brechas tecnológicas. Implementar soluciones globales configurables permite a las empresas alcanzar la velocidad y la agilidad necesarias frente a los períodos de inactividad.

En este artículo de Lakshmi Raj, cofundador y co-CEO de Replicon y miembro de Forbes Technology Council, aprende tres formas de garantizar el futuro de tu negocio. Haz clic aquí.


miércoles, 27 de diciembre de 2023

Proveedor de servicios de salud digital crea una plataforma escalable con tecnología basada en Azure

En la transición desde una empresa emergente hasta el crecimiento, Rx.Health recurrió a Microsoft Azure como la plataforma fundamental para su solución de unificación de salud digital. Con el potencial de ayudar a más pacientes a un nivel más granular en una escala sin precedentes y la posibilidad de que los sistemas de salud ahorren un millón de dólares por línea de servicio, la empresa define un rumbo ganador.

Lee más.


martes, 26 de diciembre de 2023

Consolidate & Save So You Can Do More With Less

The disjointed landscape of technology apps from different vendors can cost your business. Consolidating to a single, all-in-one platform ensures you're not paying for redundant capabilities or overlapping services.

Microsoft 365 can help your organization do more with less. You can also save by consolidating solutions and replacing third-party security and identity applications with best-in-case security from Microsoft.


Azure: La nube de confianza para Windows Server

Maximiza tus inversiones tecnológicas y la transición a la nube a tu propio ritmo al incorporar licencias de Windows Server y SQL Server existentes a Azure, la nube de confianza para Windows Server. Para hacerlo aún más fácil y rentable, también obtendrás herramientas gratuitas de migración y optimización de costos.

Obtén más información.


jueves, 21 de diciembre de 2023

Deutsche Börse Group gestiona volúmenes de datos complejos con la plataforma nativa de nube de Azure

La digitalización está transformando enormemente la industria de los servicios financieros. El desafío para la industria no es solo reaccionar a la tendencia, sino también determinar su futuro activamente.

Deutsche Börse Group recurrió a Azure debido a los modernos servicios de datos de la plataforma, el enfoque en el cumplimiento de las normas y la seguridad, la colaboración y orientación eficientes de los equipos de soporte de Microsoft y el ecosistema holístico de escala empresarial de Microsoft para la administración de todos los datos.

Lee más.


miércoles, 20 de diciembre de 2023

The Rise of the Enterprise Browser and What’s Next for Secure Browsing

Have you heard of the “secure enterprise browser” (SEB) yet? If not, you will. With the rise of hybrid work, security teams at enterprise orgs are looking for the best ways to secure their architectures and given that web browsing is a major way to access corporate data, keeping web connections secure is a non-negotiable.

In this VentureBeat article, read more about the growing trend of “browserization” and what it means for your organization.


The Total Economic Impact™ de la migración a las bases de datos gestionadas de Microsoft Azure SQL

Migrar esas bases de datos locales a Azure ayuda a las organizaciones a reemplazar los considerables costos irrecuperables de la infraestructura de bases de datos en las instalaciones por un modelo de precios en la nube de “pago por uso” más flexible.

Suscríbete para obtener más información y mantenerte conectado. Te ayudaremos a migrar a la nube y mucho más.


martes, 19 de diciembre de 2023

Fannie Mae Builds Productivity and Data Safety with Microsoft Security and Data Protection Solutions

A leading source of mortgage financing, Fannie Mae is making sustainable homeownership and workforce rental housing a reality for millions of people. They needed a solution that would protect data and create efficiencies for their data scientists who analyze vast troves of complex data.

Based on its long relationship with Microsoft, Fannie Mae decided to make full use of the data protection and governance solutions in its Microsoft 365 E5 license.

See how Microsoft 365 helps Fannie Mae do more with less.  


Por qué la continuidad de tu negocio debe estar en la nube

Gestionar riesgos y mantener los sistemas en funcionamiento durante incidentes imprevistos es más importante que nunca.

Por este motivo, las empresas acuden a la nube para escalar y adaptar sus estrategias de continuidad empresarial. Esto puede ayudar a tu negocio a mantener las operaciones y seguir creciendo, incluso durante una interrupción.

Lee más.


jueves, 14 de diciembre de 2023

Stay Current With the Latest News

Get more productivity, better security, and cost savings when you maximize the value of your technology investments with Microsoft 365.

No matter how you run your business or your team, Microsoft 365 is the cloud-first platform that enables all the ways people work today – wherever, whenever, and however.

Sign up for our mailing list to learn why Microsoft 365 is a better way to work. We can help you do more with less. Let’s stay connected!


Let’s stay connected

Cuando te suscribas a nuestra lista de correo, obtendrás más información sobre la migración a Microsoft Windows Server y SQL Server en Azure y mucho más. Mantén tus aplicaciones actualizadas y seguras, y tus cargas de trabajo virtualizadas seguras. Ahorra dinero al asegurar la funcionalidad del hardware, del firmware y del sistema operativo. Estamos aquí para ayudar en todo momento. ¡Mantengámonos conectados!


miércoles, 13 de diciembre de 2023

Mondelēz International se pasa a Microsoft Azure para un mejor rendimiento de SAP e innovación en IA

El proceso de transformación digital de Mondelēz International comenzó en 2018 y la nube ha tenido un rol fundamental. La empresa desarrolló una estrategia “ahora en la nube”, la cual implica mover tantos sistemas de Mondelēz International como sea posible desde los centros de datos locales a la nube.


H&R Block delivers scalable, multichannel tax preparation services

The tax industry is continually changing. H&R Block stays ahead of those changes at every stage to provide seamless multichannel experiences. The company started using Azure back in 2019 by moving various workloads to Microsoft SQL Server 2017 and Azure and using Azure data services. As a result, the tax provider was able to enhance service delivery, scale to meet peaks in demand, and accelerate innovation. Read more. 


How H&R Block uses Azure AI to transform tax returns

When 21 million clients rely on the tax professionals at H&R Block, providing individualized support for each client’s unique needs is paramount. And whether clients come in with a shoebox full of tax forms or file online, H&R Block is using Microsoft technology to transform the tax filing experience.  


With AI-powered services like Azure Form Recognizer and Azure Cognitive Search, H&R Block tax professionals can spend more time building meaningful, personalized client experiences—and helping each client get the most out of their tax return. Learn more 


martes, 12 de diciembre de 2023

Improve Security and Reduce Your Bottom Line

Microsoft 365 provides a holistic approach to security, helping you protect identities, data, apps, and devices across on-premises, cloud, and mobile environments. This approach addresses all four foundations of computer system security: Identity and access management, threat protection, information protection, and security management.

See how your business can build a culture of zero-trust security, all while saving money with Microsoft 365.


Por qué las empresas se pasan a la nube como nunca antes

En los últimos años, hubo una notable tendencia hacia la migración a la informática en la nube, y expertos de la industria consideran que mantenerse competitivo es una necesidad.

Beneficios como costos de TI más bajos, más flexibilidad, seguridad mejorada y el potencial de crecimiento son solo algunas de las razones.  ¿Es momento de que tu empresa se pase a la nube?

Lee más.


miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2023

Microsoft Ignite 2022: Top Security Announcements

This article from CRN covers the most recent security announcements from Ignite 2022. Read on for the biggest updates, as well as perspectives from customers and partners who are doing more with less, and “going all-in on Microsoft.”


Nuevas herramientas y funciones para Azure en 2022

En la conferencia Microsoft Build 2022, se presentaron nuevas actualizaciones de herramientas y funciones de Azure para la comunidad de desarrolladores.

Estas nuevas herramientas permiten que las empresas se modernicen y migren a la nube de forma más sencilla y permiten que los desarrolladores creen aplicaciones nativas para varias plataformas de forma más fácil.

Lee sobre estas nuevas funciones y mucho más.


Moderniza tus cargas de trabajo con las funciones mejoradas de Azure

Windows Server en Azure es resiliente, eficiente y escalable. Y cuenta con funciones actualizadas, como Azure Automanage, por lo que querrás migrar para ahorrar costos, obtener copias de seguridad más rápido, reducir el tiempo promedio de recuperación de datos y tener la capacidad de crear y administrar hasta 1000 VM con equilibrio de carga en minutos. Obtén más información.


Azure Migrate: Business case analysis capability

You know it’s time to modernize your infrastructure—but you might need to make a solid business case that quantifies the benefits for your organization.   
That’s where Azure Migrate comes in. This free feature can be used to generate hard numbers to show that it makes business sense—and then understand what is the best migration strategy for your particular company. 


martes, 5 de diciembre de 2023

Gogo Streamlines and Strengthens IAM During Lean Times with Azure Active Directory

Gogo Inc. provides in-flight, onboard Wi-Fi internet services for commercial and business aircraft. When the pandemic drastically shrank the company’s revenue, Gogo migrated away from a third-party identity provider to a simplified, cost-effective identity and access management solution.

Looking to achieve a quick cost-reduction win, Gogo upgraded to Microsoft 365 E5 (from E3) and moved its multifactor authentication service to Azure AD – saving them money and enhancing security.


Modernización y migración a la nube con las herramientas y recursos de Azure

La transición a la nube puede volver tu negocio más resiliente, ágil e innovador. Cada vez más negocios confían en Microsoft Azure para acelerar su transformación digital. En este video, aprende cómo las herramientas de Azure pueden ayudar a tu empresa a migrar y modernizarse en la nube. Mira cómo.


Cloud migration in the Cloud Adoption Framework

The hardest part of a cloud migration is often just getting started—especially when it comes to deciding how much you want to invest in different workloads. Fortunately, the Cloud Adoption Framework provides a clear path forward. Learn more about the different approaches you can take—and how to maximize business success by allocating resources effectively. Learn more.  


jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2023

Stay Connected

Get more productivity, better security, and cost savings when you maximize the value of your technology investments with Microsoft 365.

No matter how you run your business or your team, Microsoft 365 is the cloud-first platform that enables all the ways people work today – wherever, whenever, and however.

Sign up for our mailing list to learn why Microsoft 365 is a better way to work. We can help you do more with less. Let’s stay connected!


Let’s stay connected

Cuando te suscribas a nuestra lista de correo, obtendrás más información sobre la migración a Microsoft Windows Server y SQL Server en Azure y mucho más. Mantén tus aplicaciones actualizadas y seguras, y tus cargas de trabajo virtualizadas seguras. Ahorra dinero al asegurar la funcionalidad del hardware, del firmware y del sistema operativo. Estamos aquí para ayudar en todo momento. ¡Mantengámonos conectados!


miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2023

Comparación de SQL en Azure

Cada negocio tiene sus propios requisitos de migración. No importa cuáles sean los tuyos: puedes contar con Azure SQL. Con tres opciones principales de implementación para pasar tus cargas de trabajo de SQL Server a la nube, podrás encontrar la estrategia adecuada para migrar a la nube con éxito.

Haz clic aquí para aprender sobre la diferencia principal entre las funciones específicas y elegir la estrategia de migración adecuada para tu negocio.


NBA accelerates modern app time to market to ramp up fans’ excitement

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is dedicated to delivering compelling experiences for its fans off the court as well as on. During the pandemic, it continued to engage fans and help them feel connected to the game through virtual simulations. It also launched an app for referees called REPS (Referee Engagement and Performance System) that supports the fans’ experience.  
Together with Microsoft, the NBA is continuing to create customized, dynamic, virtual experiences to enhance the excitement of the NBA both during and beyond game-time. Read the full story. 


martes, 28 de noviembre de 2023

Protect the Digital Worker

Microsoft 365 provides a holistic approach to security, helping you protect identities, data, apps, and devices across on-premises, cloud, and mobile environments. This approach addresses all four foundations of computer system security: Identity and access management, threat protection, information protection, and security management.

See how your business can build a culture of security, all while saving money with Microsoft 365.


Tendencias de migración de datos para 2022

En nuestra economía moderna basada en datos, los gerentes de datos se enfrentan a los desafíos del crecimiento exponencial de los repositorios de datos y a la necesidad de reemplazar soluciones de almacenamiento de datos heredadas.

Las empresas avanzan a diferentes ritmos y migran por diferentes motivos. Aprender sobre las cinco tendencias principales de migración de datos actuales te ayudará a entender dónde está ubicada tu organización actualmente y saber si puedes resolver algunos de tus desafíos mediante la migración de datos.

Aprende sobre estas tendencias y explora las opciones.


jueves, 23 de noviembre de 2023

The Business Value of Migrating and Modernizing to Microsoft Azure

Successful organizations are modernizing their applications so that they’re cloud-native. According to IDC, those who choose Microsoft Azure are realizing significant value—including substantial cost savings, higher efficiency, and an impressive return on investment. Get the full report. 


miércoles, 22 de noviembre de 2023

Microsoft CEO: 'Software is ultimately the biggest deflationary force' for businesses

Today’s macro-economic environment affects businesses of all sizes and is forcing change globally.

In this Yahoo Finance article, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella shares his perspectives on the economy, why the right technology is the ultimate productivity tool, and how Microsoft is adjusting.

“All of the macroeconomic headwinds that all of us face — none of us are immune — the tailwind we at least as a company have is our ability to deliver these solutions. Software is ultimately the biggest deflationary force businesses can use,” Nadella says.


Let's stay connected

Cuando te suscribas a nuestra lista de correo, obtendrás más información sobre la migración a Microsoft Windows Server y SQL Server en Azure y mucho más. Mantén tus aplicaciones actualizadas y seguras, y tus cargas de trabajo virtualizadas seguras. Ahorra dinero al asegurar la funcionalidad del hardware, del firmware y del sistema operativo. Estamos aquí para ayudar en todo momento. ¡Mantengámonos conectados!


martes, 21 de noviembre de 2023

A Healthy Edge: Medical Technology Leader Smith+Nephew Uses Microsoft 365 E5 to Innovate

Smith+Nephew, a leading medical technology company with 18,000 employees in 100+ countries, needed to secure their data and sensitive intellectual property. They turned to Microsoft 365 E5 because it offered a cost-effective, interoperable suite of services that are easy to manage and highly secure.

Innovation has always been a fundamental part of their business, and today, Smith+Nephew continues to create solutions at the leading edge of medical technology. The digital tools from Microsoft 365 E5 align with the future-facing nature of their business, all in a highly secure environment.


Flowe crea uno de los primeros bancos digitales ejecutados en la nube

El banco italiano Banca Mediolanum quería crear una plataforma de banco abierto única y nativa de nube que abarcara más que finanzas. Fundó Flowe, uno de los primeros bancos digitales del mundo que se ejecuta en la nube. Se ejecuta completamente en Microsoft Azure.

Flowe busca ayudar a las nuevas generaciones a cultivar hábitos financieros saludables mediante la plataforma de banco abierto nativa de nube.

Flowe encontró lo que necesitaba con Microsoft Azure e incluso logró la certificación de neutralidad de carbono mediante la Calculadora de sostenibilidad de Azure.

Obtén más información.


Cómo los directores pueden acelerar las transformaciones digitales mediante plataformas en la nube

Ha pasado más de una década desde que las corporaciones comenzaron a pasarse a la nube y este es el veredicto: El valor de negocio es real y las empresas que se pasan a la nube ven un cambio transformacional.

Sin embargo, los modelos de implementación del pasado vuelven casi imposible capturar el valor real desde la nube.

¿Qué hace exitosa a una implementación en la nube en el mundo híbrido actual? ¿De qué manera los negocios cuantifican y plasman el valor de pasarse a la nube?

Haz clic aquí para obtener más información.


Forrester study finds 228% ROI when modernizing applications on Azure

What happens when you use Azure as a platform for your modern cloud-based apps? According to Forrester, you can get a 228% return on investment while increasing speed of app development by 50%. And that’s not all. Learn more. 


jueves, 16 de noviembre de 2023

Stay Current With the Latest News

Simplify IT management and reduce costs with Microsoft 365—all while empowering team members to work securely from anywhere, on any device.

By eliminating redundant solutions, simplifying IT management, and enhancing digital protection, companies can do more with less. 

Sign up for our mailing list to learn why Microsoft 365 is a better way to work. Let’s stay connected!


La NBA usa Microsoft Azure para impulsar nuevo contenido que aumenta la interacción con fanáticos

La NBA brinda contenido significativo y personalizado a los fanáticos con su plataforma directa al cliente NBA CourtOptix. Usa capacidades de IA de Azure para transformar miles de millones de puntos de datos en métricas detalladas sobre jugadores y juegos para hacer que los fanáticos se involucren aún más. Con Azure, la liga está bien posicionada para desarrollos aún más emocionantes y revolucionarios al momento de mirar hacia el futuro. Haz clic aquí para ver cómo.


Datos como activos estratégicos

Los datos son solo información; la clave es lo que haces con esos datos. ¿Cómo los conviertes en información empresarial fiable?

Sin datos fiables, la información es meramente una opinión. Para recibir información de alta calidad basada en datos, las organizaciones deben alinear su estrategia de negocio con una estrategia de datos basada en el resultado e invertir en la administración y el análisis de datos.

Haz clic aquí para obtener más información sobre cómo contribuir activamente a las discusiones sobre los datos.


Migrate & Modernize Infra Datasheet

Today’s businesses are moving their infrastructure to the cloud. The right cloud can help you optimize costs, improve efficiency, accelerate innovation, and scale. Learn why you should securely migrate and modernize to Microsoft Azure.  


martes, 14 de noviembre de 2023

Microsoft 365 Enables You to Do More With Less

Microsoft 365 helps you work smarter and faster with tools to build and manage your business, stay connected with customers, and safeguard your data. Plus, it simplifies IT management while reducing costs.

In fact, you can save more than 60% with Microsoft 365 compared to a patchwork of point solutions. Simply put, it’s a better way to work.

Discover how Microsoft 365 can help you meet the challenges of a rapidly changing world so you can do more with less.

Learn more.


NTT Ltd. achieves unified, global cloud transformation with Azure

NTT Ltd. services more than 75 percent of the top 100 companies on the Fortune Global 500 list with business expertise in networks, security, managed services, and other areas. But its distributed digital estate made it challenging to allocate resources effectively or see areas for improvement in governance and financial control. 
That’s why NTT turned to Microsoft and the Azure cloud platform to build a blueprint for transformation. See how NTT is saving money and becoming more efficient by centralizing its IT infrastructure. Learn more.   


lunes, 13 de noviembre de 2023

Guía definitiva de Windows Server en Azure

La informática en la nube impulsa el cambio transformacional. Ahora es el momento de traer las innovaciones en la nube a tus datos. Este libro electrónico incluye todo lo que necesitas saber sobre Microsoft Azure y sus funcionalidades, innovaciones y las formas de ahorrar costos. Se describen los pasos necesarios para migrar a la nube a tu propio ritmo.

Suscríbete para mantenerte en contacto. Ayudaremos a tu empresa con una transición eficaz a la nube.


jueves, 9 de noviembre de 2023

Why Migrate to Windows and SQL Server on Azure?

Te modernizas y escalas con flexibilidad, ahorras dinero y garantizas la seguridad de tus datos cuando migras a Windows Server y SQL Server en Azure. Aprovecha las innovaciones en la nube para cargas de trabajo en las instalaciones y la infraestructura híbrida de un extremo a otro disponible que te ayudarán a llevar tu organización al siguiente nivel. Y obtén el beneficio de la inversión en seguridad de mil millones de dólares que Microsoft realiza cada año.


miércoles, 25 de octubre de 2023

Top Microsoft Exec Believes AI Won’t Steal Our Jobs, It Will Make Them Better

Contrary to fears of job displacement, there's a surprising enthusiasm among workers for delegating tasks to AI, indicating a growing acceptance and recognition of the potential benefits of this transformative technology. Dive deeper into insights from Microsoft’s Work Trend Index, shared by @jared_spataro in an interview with The Messenger. 

Harness our expertise as a trusted Microsoft Service Partner to get the power of cutting-edge Microsoft technologies and solutions. Together, let's unlock the full potential of AI and drive meaningful progress in your business. 


Marks & Spencer ushers in the future of retail with Microsoft 365

Through a digital-first approach, retailer Marks & Spencer gains valuable customer insights and operational efficiency. With Microsoft 365 as a key enabler, it streamlines work for shop floor colleagues, helping them focus on customers and organization-wide collaboration. Explore how the company is advancing secure productivity. 

As a Microsoft-certified partner, we can help you maximize the value of your investment in Microsoft products through our value-added services. Contact us today to explore our offerings, including custom development, integration, and migration programs. 


How H&R Block uses Azure AI to transform tax returns

When 21 million clients rely on the tax professionals at H&R Block, providing individualized support for each client’s unique needs is paramount. And whether clients come in with a shoebox full of tax forms or file online, H&R Block is using Microsoft technology to transform the tax filing experience.  


With AI-powered services like Azure Form Recognizer and Azure Cognitive Search, H&R Block tax professionals can spend more time building meaningful, personalized client experiences—and helping each client get the most out of their tax return. Learn more 


H&R Block delivers scalable, multichannel tax preparation services

The tax industry is continually changing. H&R Block stays ahead of those changes at every stage to provide seamless multichannel experiences. The company started using Azure back in 2019 by moving various workloads to Microsoft SQL Server 2017 and Azure and using Azure data services. As a result, the tax provider was able to enhance service delivery, scale to meet peaks in demand, and accelerate innovation. Read more. 


martes, 24 de octubre de 2023

Get AI-ready today

Are you AI-ready? Embracing AI can transform the way your business operates and opens endless possibilities for innovation and growth. Whether it's automating repetitive tasks, summarizing meetings, or outlining a new presentation, AI has the potential to revolutionize your business. 

Sign up for our mailing list to gain access to valuable insights, updates, and expert guidance. As a Microsoft Partner, we’ll streamline your licensing and subscription management with our expert CSP services, ensuring compliance, cost optimization, and hassle-free operations. Sign up today. 


Get AI ready

The platform shift to AI is underway, and it’s set to revolutionize the way we work. The burden of data overload, constant communication, and increased pressure to be productive can be overwhelming. But AI can help lift that burden.  

Are you AI-ready? Microsoft 365 Copilot will soon be available in Microsoft 365 Business Premium. Rely on our CSP expertise to navigate complex licensing structures and choose the right subscription plans tailored to your specific needs and budget. Get in touch with us today. 



The Surprising Rise of Hybrid Work

Organizations are witnessing a significant shift toward hybrid work models. Here, Forbes explores the potential of hybrid work to revolutionize organizations. 

Is your business set up to make the most of this transition? 

As a Microsoft Cloud Solution Partner, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities presented by hybrid work. 

Contact us to tailor Microsoft 365 E3 solutions to your organization's specific needs. We can help you through the entire provisioning, licensing, and implementation process. 

Let’s talk. 


jueves, 19 de octubre de 2023

Top Microsoft Exec Believes AI Won’t Steal Our Jobs, It Will Make Them Better

Get insights from Jared Spataro, Microsoft's VP for Modern Work, as he discusses AI in the workplace. In an interview with The Messenger, he reveals findings from the Work Trend Index, showcasing a remarkable shift in workers' perception of AI. Rather than fearing job displacement, there’s a surprising enthusiasm for delegating tasks to AI, indicating a growing acceptance of this transformative technology. 

Reach out to us to leverage our expertise as a trusted Microsoft Service Partner. We can help you transform your business with cutting-edge Microsoft technologies and solutions. 


miércoles, 18 de octubre de 2023

Work Trend Index | Will AI Fix Work?

The burden of data overload, constant communication, and increased pressure to be productive can be overwhelming. But AI can help lift that burden. Discover the transformative power of AI in Microsoft's Work Trend Index article. 

We’re standing by to help you get ready for this platform shift. Our expert CSP services can help you streamline licensing and subscription management, so you can stay compliant, optimize costs, and get hassle-free operations. Contact us today. 



Tony’s Chocolonely raises awareness of child slave labor with Microsoft 365

Tony's Chocolonely has a mission that goes beyond selling chocolate. It also wants to end exploitation in the chocolate industry, where millions of children are exposed to illegal labor practices and thousands of people are victims of modern slavery. During COVID-19, Microsoft 365 helped the company achieve seamless remote collaboration, ensuring teams could work together and continue that mission. 


Read this inspiring story and then connect with us. As a trusted CSP Microsoft Partner, we can help you tap into the power of secure productivity with Microsoft 365. Contact us today to get started. 



L’Oréal gives hybrid work a makeover with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams

In the world of beauty, collaboration knows no boundaries at L’Oréal. With 35 brands and a global workforce of more than 85,000 employees, staying at the forefront of beauty requires seamless collaboration across time zones and business areas. 

Read how L’Oréal facilitates collaboration, communication, and co-creation with Microsoft 365 and Microsoft Teams, enabling them to stay connected and drive innovation. 

As a Microsoft-certified partner, we can help you achieve seamless implementation and integration of Microsoft solutions with certified experts who understand your business needs.


Azure Migrate: Business case analysis capability

You know it’s time to modernize your infrastructure—but you might need to make a solid business case that quantifies the benefits for your organization.   
That’s where Azure Migrate comes in. This free feature can be used to generate hard numbers to show that it makes business sense—and then understand what is the best migration strategy for your particular company. 


martes, 17 de octubre de 2023

¡Súmate al evento "Playbooks en Ciberseguridad"!

Un playbook de ciberseguridad es un conjunto de procedimientos y acciones predefinidas que una organización sigue en caso de un incidente de seguridad cibernética. Estos playbooks están diseñados para guiar a los equipos de respuesta a incidentes a través de los pasos necesarios para detectar, investigar, mitigar y recuperarse de un incidente. Se deben tener en cuenta los aspectos de resiliencia, para lograr de manera efectiva y exitosa la recuperación de la organización ante un ciberataque.

En esta conferencia, exploraremos estrategias y mejores prácticas en ciberseguridad. Contaremos con expertos que compartirán su conocimiento y experiencias para ayudarte a fortalecer tus defensas en línea.
Aprenderás sobre los últimos avances en el campo de la ciberseguridad y cómo proteger tus datos y sistemas de amenazas cibernéticas.

Te invitamos a participar de manera gratuita, al evento que se realizará el 

📅Jueves 26 de Octubre de 2023

🕐18:00 hs.

📍UTN. FRC ( Maestro M. Lopez esq, Cruz Roja Argentina S/N, Córdoba).

No te pierdas la oportunidad de aprender y conectarte con otros profesionales de la ciberseguridad. ¡Regístrate ahora y asegura tu lugar en el evento "Playbooks en Ciberseguridad"!

Link de registro:



Microsoft 365 Copilot expands availability through a new early access program

Get ready for the game-changing Microsoft 365 Copilot! ZDNet covers the highly anticipated rollout of the Early Access Program, offering a sneak peek into the coolest AI-powered features and integrations. 

Prepare to supercharge your security with advanced AI capabilities. Are you ready to embrace the power of AI? Accelerate your digital transformation journey with our specialized knowledge in Microsoft technologies. Contact us today to architect and implement powerful cloud solutions tailored to your business needs. 


Cloud migration in the Cloud Adoption Framework

The hardest part of a cloud migration is often just getting started—especially when it comes to deciding how much you want to invest in different workloads. Fortunately, the Cloud Adoption Framework provides a clear path forward. Learn more about the different approaches you can take—and how to maximize business success by allocating resources effectively. Learn more.  


jueves, 12 de octubre de 2023

Simplify endpoint management

Discover the power of streamlined endpoint management with Microsoft 365 Business Premium. You’ll be able to enhance security, and embrace the benefits of digital transformation—no matter where your people are working. 

Experience seamless licensing and subscription management, tailored to your needs, with our dedicated Microsoft-certified team of CSP experts. Get our infographic to learn more. 


Simplify endpoint management

Discover the power of streamlined endpoint management with Microsoft 365 E3. Explore this informative infographic showcasing how Microsoft 365 E3 simplifies and enhances endpoint management for businesses, regardless of employee location. 


As a Microsoft-certified partner, we can ensure the smooth integration of your Microsoft-based cloud environment with our comprehensive managed services. Get in touch with us now for proactive monitoring, performance optimization, and expert security management. Get our infographic to learn more. 


miércoles, 11 de octubre de 2023

NBA accelerates modern app time to market to ramp up fans’ excitement

The National Basketball Association (NBA) is dedicated to delivering compelling experiences for its fans off the court as well as on. During the pandemic, it continued to engage fans and help them feel connected to the game through virtual simulations. It also launched an app for referees called REPS (Referee Engagement and Performance System) that supports the fans’ experience.  
Together with Microsoft, the NBA is continuing to create customized, dynamic, virtual experiences to enhance the excitement of the NBA both during and beyond game-time. Read the full story. 


martes, 10 de octubre de 2023

Simplify endpoint management

Discover the power of streamlined endpoint management with Microsoft 365 Business Premium. You’ll be able to enhance security, and embrace the benefits of digital transformation—no matter where your people are working. 

Experience seamless licensing and subscription management, tailored to your needs, with our dedicated Microsoft-certified team of CSP experts. Get in touch with us today. 


Streamline endpoint management with Microsoft 365

Discover the power of streamlined endpoint management with Microsoft 365 E3. Explore this informative infographic showcasing how Microsoft 365 E3 simplifies and enhances endpoint management for businesses, regardless of employee location. 

As a Microsoft-certified partner, we can ensure the smooth integration of your Microsoft-based cloud environment with our comprehensive managed services. Get in touch with us now for proactive monitoring, performance optimization, and expert security management. 


jueves, 5 de octubre de 2023

The Business Value of Migrating and Modernizing to Microsoft Azure

Successful organizations are modernizing their applications so that they’re cloud-native. According to IDC, those who choose Microsoft Azure are realizing significant value—including substantial cost savings, higher efficiency, and an impressive return on investment. Get the full report. 


miércoles, 4 de octubre de 2023

Microsoft 365 Business Basic vs Standard vs Premium: what are the differences?

Curious about the differences between Microsoft 365 Business Basic, Standard, and Premium? Discover the unique features and capabilities of each edition to make an informed decision that aligns with your business's productivity and collaboration needs. Stay ahead of the game and unlock the full potential of secure productivity with Microsoft 365.  

As a Microsoft Partner, we can simplify license provisioning, renewal, and billing processes with our seamless CSP support, saving you time and effort so you can focus on your core business. Contact us today. 



Microsoft 365 E5 supports NTT Com’s Remote Standard System

If you’re an employee at NTT Communications Corporation in Japan, you can work from anywhere, thanks to Microsoft 365 E3. Discover how NTT leveraged the suite's robust security features to protect sensitive data and ensure a secure remote work environment. 

Learn from NTT’s experience empower your team to thrive in the era of remote work. As a Microsoft-certified partner, we're here to help. Then let’s talk about how your business can unleash the power of Microsoft 365 E3 to work from anywhere. 



martes, 3 de octubre de 2023

Equitable Bank thwarts red team with comprehensive Microsoft Security solutions

Equitable Bank (EQB) is committed to driving change in Canadian banking and enriching people's lives, and at the heart of this mission lies trust. When EQB's security defenses revealed weaknesses during a cybersecurity test, the bank took action. EQB replaced two security and event management solutions with Microsoft Sentinel and deployed Microsoft 365, covering endpoints, identities, and cloud apps. The results were striking. We can help you unlock the full potential of Microsoft cloud solutions with our expert guidance and support as a trusted CSP Microsoft Partner. Contact us today. 


Microsoft Security Copilot: How does it help you protect your data?

In a world of ever-evolving cyber threats, protecting your valuable data is of utmost importance. Discover how Microsoft Security Copilot (coming soon!) can help you safeguard your assets and ensure data protection in this helpful article from Intelequia.

Microsoft 365 E3 offers a comprehensive suite of tools and services that can help your business adopt a Zero Trust foundation.

Leverage our expertise as a trusted Microsoft Service Partner to transform your business with cutting-edge Microsoft technologies and solutions. Reach out to discuss how we can drive your digital transformation.


Forrester study finds 228% ROI when modernizing applications on Azure

What happens when you use Azure as a platform for your modern cloud-based apps? According to Forrester, you can get a 228% return on investment while increasing speed of app development by 50%. And that’s not all. Learn more. 


jueves, 28 de septiembre de 2023

Enabling a whole new way to work with Microsoft 365

Technology is changing fast, and being prepared for those changes with the right tools is crucial. Is your business ready? Embrace the possibilities and discover the power of Microsoft 365 E3. Explore the infographic to see how you can leverage this essential solution for secure productivity to stay ahead of the curve. 
As a Microsoft Partner with comprehensive managed services, we can help ensure the smooth operation of your Microsoft-based cloud environment. Sign up for our mailing list to get our infographic on why Microsoft 365 E3 is the right choice for businesses like yours.  


Migrate & Modernize Infra Datasheet

Today’s businesses are moving their infrastructure to the cloud. The right cloud can help you optimize costs, improve efficiency, accelerate innovation, and scale. Learn why you should securely migrate and modernize to Microsoft Azure.  


miércoles, 27 de septiembre de 2023

Enable a whole new way to work

Technology is moving fast, and being prepared for the changes with the right tools is crucial. Is your business ready? Embrace the future and discover the power of Microsoft 365 Business Premium. 

As a Microsoft-certified partner, we can help you streamline your licensing and subscription management with our expert CSP services, ensuring compliance, cost optimization, and hassle-free operations. Sign up for our mailing list to learn how we can help you achieve secure productivity and eliminate the need for redundant solutions.  


Forrester: The Total Economic Impact of Microsoft 365 for Business

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) face the same collaboration challenges as larger enterprises when it comes to connecting with colleagues in different locations.  

This 2020 commissioned Forrester Consulting Total Economic Impact(TM) study shows the potential ROI SMBs can realize when they use Microsoft 365 Business Premium. 

Partner with us for a holistic approach to cloud solutions, combining Microsoft's industry-leading platforms with our expertise and commitment to your success. We’re just a phone call away. 


martes, 26 de septiembre de 2023

Enable a whole new way to work with Microsoft 365

Technology is moving fast, and being prepared for changes with the right tools is crucial. Is your business ready? Embrace the future and discover the power of Microsoft 365 Business Premium. 

In this infographic, explore how businesses can take advantage of this essential solution for secure productivity, enabling a new way to work and eliminating the need for redundant solutions. 

As a Microsoft-certified partner, we can help you streamline your licensing and subscription management with our expert CSP services, ensuring compliance, cost optimization, and hassle-free operations. Contact us today. 


The Total Economic Impact of Microsoft 365 E3

Discover the positive economic impact of Microsoft 365 E3 on businesses like yours. 


In this Microsoft-commissioned Forrester Consulting report, explore how Microsoft 365 E3 delivers tangible benefits, including increased productivity, significant cost savings, and accelerated business growth. 


As a trusted Microsoft partner, we can help your business harness the power of Microsoft 365 E3 to unlock your organization's potential and thrive in today's competitive landscape. From licensing to provisioning, we’ll make your transition simple. Let’s talk. 



NTT Ltd. achieves unified, global cloud transformation with Azure

NTT Ltd. services more than 75 percent of the top 100 companies on the Fortune Global 500 list with business expertise in networks, security, managed services, and other areas. But its distributed digital estate made it challenging to allocate resources effectively or see areas for improvement in governance and financial control. 
That’s why NTT turned to Microsoft and the Azure cloud platform to build a blueprint for transformation. See how NTT is saving money and becoming more efficient by centralizing its IT infrastructure. Learn more.   


lunes, 25 de septiembre de 2023

Enabling a whole new way to work

Technology is changing fast, and being prepared for those changes with the right tools is crucial. Is your business ready? Embrace the possibilities and discover the power of Microsoft 365 E3. Explore the infographic to see how you can leverage this essential solution for secure productivity to stay ahead of the curve. 
Ensure the smooth operation of your Microsoft-based cloud environment with our expertise as a Microsoft Partner and comprehensive managed services. Get in touch with us now for proactive monitoring, performance optimization, and expert security management. 


jueves, 24 de agosto de 2023

Let’s Connect

Security is complex. We can help you simplify it. 

Managing multiple standalone security solutions can get complicated. Sign up for our mailing list to learn how consolidating security vendors can help you reduce costs by up to 60%, close coverage gaps, and prevent even the most sophisticated attacks. 

Let’s set your business up for success with a comprehensive approach to security. Stay connected to learn more! 


miércoles, 23 de agosto de 2023

The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance

Halting ransomware is top of mind for most businesses, and you’re probably looking for better, smarter solutions that help you quickly detect and respond to potential attacks. But you also want to consolidate your tools to streamline costs and maximize the efficiency of your Security Operations Center. The great news is that you can do it all with Microsoft SIEM and Microsoft XDR. Here’s the proof: Forrester Research’s “The Total Economic Impact of Microsoft SIEM and XDR.” Read it now. 



martes, 22 de agosto de 2023

Microsoft Defender for Cloud – Protect your Multicloud and Hybrid Environments

Bolster security across your multi-cloud, hybrid environment with cloud security posture management (CSPM) and cloud workload protection (CWP). Microsoft Defender for Cloud finds weak spots across your cloud configuration, helps strengthen your overall security posture, and can protect workloads from evolving threats across multicloud and hybrid environments. 


Learn more, then reach out for help strengthening your multi-cloud environment.  



Secure access for a connected world

Hamilton Beach Brands, a global designer, distributor, and marketer of small kitchen appliances, runs lean with 500 employees. The company has distribution centers in Mexico, Canada, and the United States and international suppliers who handle manufacturing. The company turned to Microsoft Entra, the new product family that encompasses all of Microsoft’s identity and access capabilities to provide secure access to everything for everyone by providing identity and access management, cloud infrastructure entitlement management, and identity verification. Read more. 


lunes, 21 de agosto de 2023

Secure access for a connected world: Meet Microsoft Entra

What could the world achieve if we trusted in every digital experience and interaction? This question has inspired Microsoft Entra, our new product family that encompasses all of Microsoft’s identity and access capabilities. The Entra family includes Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD), as well as two new product categories: Cloud Infrastructure Entitlement Management (CIEM) and decentralized identity. The Entra family of products will help provide secure access to everything for everyone. Read more about Microsoft Entra.  


miércoles, 16 de agosto de 2023

3 Multicloud Lessons for Cloud Architects

Are you ready to secure your hybrid and multicloud environments? The complexities of multicloud can scare some away. InfoWorld shares three lessons in security and cost optimization to increase your chances of success. Read more.


Let’s stay connected

Small and medium businesses are a sweet spot for cybercriminals. But they don’t have to be with Microsoft Defender for Business, created just for businesses with up to 300 employees. We can help safeguard your people, data, and infrastructure. Sign up for our mailing list to explore how the world’s most comprehensive approach to security can help your business stay protected. Let’s stay connected! 
#MicrosoftSecurity #ProtectEverything 


martes, 15 de agosto de 2023

G&J Pepsi Reflects on Overcoming a Ransomware Attack, Offers Insights from the Other Side

The last year saw a significant increase in malicious attacks involving ransomware payloads. When dealing with any security threat, prevention is better than cure. 

Read how G&J Pepsi-Cola Bottlers avoided both loss of data and ransom payment when a ransomware attack threatened the company in 2021. They refused to back down—and having avoided lasting harm, the company also resisted complacency. It used learnings from the experience to introduce a more proactive approach, deepen its existing processes, increase backup frequency, and more rigorously enforce policies. 


Secure your business like you secure your home: 5 steps to protect against cybercrime

Small businesses get the brunt of cyberattacks because they’re often just not as protected as larger companies. The good news is that there are five easy steps you can take to protect yourself against cybercrime. Read them now. 


lunes, 14 de agosto de 2023

Small businesses deserve big security

Security is one of the top concerns and most challenging responsibilities facing businesses today, and for good reason. In the last year, phishing, ransomware, and malware attacks have increased in volume and sophistication. If you have a small business, it can be hard to know where to start. Microsoft Defender for Business was made just for you. It was specially designed to bring the power of enterprise-grade endpoint security to businesses with up to 300 employees--all in an easy-to-use and cost-effective solution. Click here to learn more. We can help. 


jueves, 10 de agosto de 2023

Let’s Connect

Staying current with today’s changing security landscape can be daunting. Now is the time to protect your multi-cloud resources, workloads, and apps. We can help.  


Sign up for our mailing list to explore how the world’s most comprehensive approach to security can help your business. Let’s stay connected! 


miércoles, 9 de agosto de 2023

SIEM and XDR: Your ally against ransomware II

Did you know that you have a powerful ally against ransomware? Microsoft SIEM and XDR solutions offer integrated protection, so you don’t have to piece together separate solutions. Take a look at this infographic to see how Microsoft 365 Defender, Microsoft Defender for Cloud, and Microsoft Sentinel give you powerful protection against cybersecurity threats. Learn more now. #microsoftsecurity 


martes, 8 de agosto de 2023

Protect your organization from Ransomware

Understanding ransomware – its evolution, phases, and the economic engine behind it – and then learning how to stop it are crucial to keeping your business safe from bad actors.   

Learn about the criminal players of the underground ransomware economy and the motivations and mechanics of ransomware attacks with this detailed infographic. Even more important, learn the best practices for protection, backup, and recovery.   


Click here to learn more, then reach out to us to get started.  


Microsoft demonstrates industry-leading protection in the 2022 MITRE Engenuity ATT&CK® Evaluations

For the fourth consecutive year, MITRE Engenuity’s independent ATT&CK® Enterprise Evaluations confirmed that Microsoft 365 Defender delivers industry-leading protection. Microsoft 365 Defender displayed top-class coverage by successfully surfacing to the security operations center (SOC) a single comprehensive incident across the kill chain for two simulated attacks. It also demonstrated 100% protection by blocking both attacks in the early stages. Learn how Microsoft’s comprehensive coverage can defend your business. We’re here to help. 


lunes, 7 de agosto de 2023

Threat Actor Insights

Microsoft Security is actively tracking threat actors across observed nation- state, ransomware, and criminal activities. These insights represent publicly published activity from Microsoft Security threat researchers, and provides a centralized catalog of actor profiles. Learn about the most recent threats, by industry, to see which actors your organization should be looking out for. Click here to learn more. We’re here to help as you develop your comprehensive threat protection plan. 


jueves, 3 de agosto de 2023

National Australia Bank boosts staff productivity, device security with Microsoft Endpoint Manager

On a quest for a more modern workplace, National Australia Bank  focused on endpoint management of its 32,000 employees. Microsoft Endpoint Manager delivered. Today, life is easier and more productive for its workers, and the organization has set a new standard for compliance that enhances the digital workplace for everyone. Find out about how Microsoft Endpoint Manager makes operations run a lot more smoothly and securely. #microsoftsecurity 


miércoles, 2 de agosto de 2023

What You Need to Know About Hybrid Cloud Environments

What does your cloud configuration look like? And what do you need to think about to make your cloud environment as secure as possible? In this article from CSO, learn about on-premises private clouds, public clouds, and the best ways to prevent cyberattacks--no matter how your cloud is configured. We’re here to help. 


Microsoft is named a Leader in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Endpoint Protection Platforms

The security landscape changes on a daily basis. How do you keep data, users, and all your endpoints secure and protected? That’s the role of Microsoft Endpoint Manager—and it includes many of the services and tools you already use. That's why Microsoft has been named a Leader in the 2022 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Endpoint Protection.  


martes, 1 de agosto de 2023

Land O’Lakes shares their recipe for multicloud protection

As a multinational agricultural cooperative with a long history, Land O’Lakes has a lot to keep track of.  


When they looked to upgrade their digital security posture, they faced multiple challenges. But the flexibility and breadth of Microsoft Security solutions answered their need to blend old solutions with new ones and to gain the greatest possible advantages from a multi-cloud, hybrid workspace.  


Connect with us to learn how you can do the same. 


Let’s stay connected

The modern workplace needs modern management to keep data secure. That’s why you need Microsoft Endpoint Manager. It manages and monitors all your company’s mobile devices, computers, virtual machines, servers, and more. Best yet, it includes many of the services and tools you already use. Sign up for our mailing list to explore how the world’s most comprehensive approach to security can help your business—and what we can do to help. Let’s stay connected! 
#MicrosoftSecurity #ProtectEverything 


jueves, 27 de julio de 2023

Let's Connect

Consolidate your security portfolio and diminish your breach risk while adding to your bottom line.   


We understand that your business is under pressure to do more with less, by containing costs and driving efficiencies.  

Sign up for our mailing list and learn about our integrated approach to security. We’ll show you how many companies are experiencing significant savings by integrating product categories and eliminating redundant capabilities—with Microsoft Security Solutions. Let’s stay connected! 


martes, 25 de julio de 2023

Integrated Protection for Multicloud Environments

Control, strengthen, defend, and secure your multi-cloud environments with a unified cloud security solution.  


Microsoft solutions have shown a 50% reduction in time-to-threat mitigation, and a 165% ROI within 3 months.  


Are you ready to secure your multi-cloud and hybrid environments while improving your bottom line? Let’s explore yourt security needs and discuss how we can help you improve your security—now and in the future--while reducing costs. 


Learn more.   


US LBM remodels its cybersecurity approach by centralizing IT with Microsoft Security solutions

Building supplier US LMB had acquired many different businesses, all of which had independently managed IT organizations and disparate security solutions. Even worse, many of those security solutions didn’t work together. The company adopted Microsoft Sentinel and Microsoft 365 Defender for a complete SIEM and extended detection and response solution—and achieved a better than benchmark security score. Read more. 


jueves, 20 de julio de 2023

Protect your organization from ransomware

Understanding ransomware – its evolution, its phases, and the economic engine behind it – and then learning how to stop it are crucial to keeping your business safe from bad actors. With this infographic, you’ll get a glimpse of the criminal players who operate within the underground ransomware economy. We’ll help you understand the motivations and mechanics of ransomware attacks and provide you with best practices for protection as well as backup and recovery.  




miércoles, 19 de julio de 2023

Multicloud Security: Key Things to Consider

The benefits of multi-cloud infrastructure and environments are many – including cost savings, scalability, and better digital infrastructure performance. But ensuring multi-cloud environments are safe from cybersecurity attacks takes planning and the right security solutions. 

Here, Rebellion Research outlines some basic requirements for multi-cloud cybersecurity to ensure your environments and infrastructure are covered. Learn the basics, then reach out to learn more. 


martes, 18 de julio de 2023

Pearson VUE Aces Data Safety Across Multicloud and Hybrid Environments

Pearson VUE, a global exam provider, needed to keep exam content completely confidential to maintain trust with customers and protect test-takers whose careers depend on the results. Their high data volumes demanded cost-effective solutions to stay ahead of the ever-evolving world of cybersecurity. The company implemented a host of Microsoft Security solutions, including Microsoft Defender Suite to protect their multicloud and hybrid environments. Now they are able to provide seamlessly and safely delivered professional certifications to customers and test-takers who rely on them.


Cyber resilience

With the adoption of hybrid work, corporate networks are becoming more dispersed, complicated, and ambiguous. To manage risk in hyper-connected virtual space, cybersecurity strategy must evolve. Microsoft Security conducted a survey of more than 500 security professionals that shows a fundamental shift is underway. Find out how these professionals are elevating security into a strategic business function—and facing future challenges with confidence. Read more.  


lunes, 17 de julio de 2023

Defenders beware: A case for post-ransomware investigations

Ransomware is on the rise. It’s one of the most pervasive threats the Microsoft Detection and Response Team (DART) responds to today. This blog analyzes a recent ransomware incident in which the attacker used a collection of tools and techniques—and shows what you can do to increase protection against the increasing sophistication of these attacks. Read more.  


jueves, 13 de julio de 2023

TEI Study

Did you know that organizations with Microsoft Defender for Cloud have reduced their risk of a security breach to cloud workloads by up to 25%, decreased their time to cloud threat mitigation by 50%, sped up security policy and compliance-related workloads by up to 30%, and reduced their spending on third-party security tools and services by over $200,000 annually? Learn how in this Total Economic Impact™ (TEI) study by Forrester and reach out to us to find out how we can help.


Let’s Stay Connected

Do you know who is accessing your data and what they’re doing with it? How do you know if you’re truly protected against a data breach? Now’s the time to get comprehensive and holistic data security strategies that meet the needs of modern businesses and the way we work today. Sign up for our mailing list to explore how the world’s most comprehensive approach to security can help you get better control over what happens to your sensitive business information. Let’s stay connected!  



miércoles, 12 de julio de 2023

Why Multi-Cloud Doesn't Mean Clear Skies Ahead for Security Teams

Today, every company is a multi-cloud company. And while multi-cloud brings increased resilience, flexibility to optimize performance, and cost control, security issues remain. 

In this article from Solutions Review, read about three major things you need to consider for protecting and securing multi-cloud environments. Then reach out to us to get started.


The Total Economic Impact Of Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance: Cost Savings And Business Benefits Enabled

You already know that Microsoft 365 helps safeguard your sensitive data and IP, wherever that data lives. But did you know that it can also help you do it for less? For hard numbers, take a look at Forrester Research’s “The Total Economic Impact™ Of Microsoft 365 E5 Compliance.”    



martes, 11 de julio de 2023

A Closer Look at Microsoft Security Solutions

Simplify your security landscape and enjoy robust cost savings with vendor license cost consolidation, reduced threats through streamlined dashboards, AI, and automation--all so you can do more with less. 


Learn even more about the many ways we can help secure your multi-cloud environments with this helpful infographic.  


Learn more. 


Frasers Group fearlessly scales with a modernized Microsoft Purview solution

The largest sporting goods retailer in the United Kingdom made a radical shift to leaner IT infrastructure so it could onboard different systems and business units more effectively. Microsoft Purview provides the foundation for security. Why does Fraser Group trust Microsoft to help prevent loss of its massive amount of data and 15,000 endpoints around the world?  Find out now. #microsoftsecurity #microsoftpurview 


Frasers Group fearlessly scales with a modernized Microsoft Security solution

The largest sporting goods retailer in the United Kingdom made a radical shift to leaner IT infrastructure so it could onboard different systems and business units more effectively. Microsoft Security provides the foundation for protection. Why does Fraser Group trust Microsoft to help protect its massive amount of data and 15,000 endpoints around the world?  Find out now. #microsoftsecurity 


lunes, 10 de julio de 2023

Get Integrated Protection for Your Multicloud Resources, Apps, and Data

We’re in an era of transformation—digital, cloud, and security—and organizations are navigating it in unique ways. Accelerated by the migration of workloads and apps to the cloud, work patterns and business operations are being reshaped or completely reimagined. In this eBook, learn how you can stay ahead of potential threats by modernizing your approach to protecting the expanding landscape of cloud resources.  


Learn more, then connect with us to get started. 


Take the data security assessment

Data security shouldn’t be so hard. That’s why we’re offering you a free data security assessment. Our experts will uncover areas of potential weakness and show you what you can do to improve. You’ll also get a clear path forward with actionable guidance. Sign up today.  
#microsoftsecurity #microsoftpurview 


Fortify data security to protect your most sensitive data

Data security incidents are a keystroke away. If you need to prevent data loss, it’s time to start identifying risky or unauthorized use before they become data breaches. Learn how Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention gives you the layers of protection you need to navigate today’s complicated data security landscape. Learn more. 



jueves, 6 de julio de 2023

Enhance multicloud and hybrid environments protection with Microsoft Defender for Cloud

Moving to the cloud as part of a digital transformation strategy helps companies innovate faster. But are you wondering what more you can do to strengthen your security posture for multicloud and hybrid environments? Find out how Microsoft Defender for Cloud helps boost security, protect workloads, and secure DevOps. Take a look at our infographic to learn more.   


miércoles, 5 de julio de 2023

Managing Multicloud Environments Amid the Cloud Boom: Q&A with Elias Khnaser -- Redmondmag.com

Cloud technology is booming for nearly every business today. Yet managing the security and management of multi-cloud environments can be daunting. In this Q&A with cloud computing expert Elias Khnaser, Chief of Research at EK Media Group and former Cloud Research VP at Gartner, get insights on some of the biggest questions about the cloud today, and how your business can harness best practices so you can do more with less. Then reach out to get started. 


Managing Multicloud Environments Amid the Cloud Boom

Cloud use is booming. Most organizations are embracing multicloud. But do you know how to manage your multicloud environment most effectively? Get deep insight into emerging trends and what you can do to streamline your use, management, and protection of multicloud environments. Read more.  



martes, 4 de julio de 2023

Equitable Bank Thwarts Red Team with Comprehensive Microsoft Security Solutions

Equitable Bank (EQB) takes its reputation as Canada’s Challenger Bank very seriously. Canada’s eighth-largest bank was not going to wait for a cybersecurity attack to assess the effectiveness their cybersecurity and arranged a Mandiant Red Team attack simulation to help expose and remedy the bank’s vulnerabilities. That led to big changes. 

Don’t wait for a cybersecurity attack, let our team assess your security posture and provide guidance to boost your threat detection capabilities. 


Introducing Adaptive Protection in Microsoft Purview—People-centric data security for a multiplatfor

The theft or loss of personal data and intellectual property can cripple a business. But how do you balance user productivity with stringent data security policies that help secure your sensitive data? The answer is in Adaptive Protection. Now you can detect and mitigate the most critical risks automatically. Learn more.  
#microsoftsecurity #microsoftpurview 


Land O’Lakes, Inc. shares the recipe for multicloud protection: Microsoft Defender for Containers, r

Land O’Lakes underpins its multicloud and hybrid IT infrastructure with Microsoft Security solutions. Find out how these integrated solutions bolster security, while making it simpler to manage complex applications.


lunes, 3 de julio de 2023

Enable Adaptive Protection with Microsoft Purview

Data risk is dynamic, with various types of content and many users who interact with it across environments. That means data security needs to be dynamic too. Microsoft Purview can help you optimize data security automatically, without sacrificing productivity. Read about Adaptive Protection now.  
#microsoftsecurity #microsoftpurview 


jueves, 29 de junio de 2023

Strengthen Your Cloud Security Posture

Assessing and improving the security configuration of your critical multi-cloud resources has never been easier, thanks to Microsoft Defender for Cloud.  


Check out this infographic to see how Defender for Cloud strengthens your security posture by giving you deep visibility into the security state of all your cloud environments – including Azure, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and Google Cloud Platform (GCP)--all through an easy-to-use security dashboard.  

Learn more. 


St. Luke’s University Health Network makes compliance painless with Microsoft Purview tools

When it comes to data security, healthcare providers have obligations to keep patient data secure while meeting stringent regulatory requirements. Find out how St. Luke’s University Health Network spot risky activities that may lead to potential data security incidents while respecting user privacy. Learn more.  
#microsoftsecurity #microsoftpurview 


Let’s stay connected!

Cybersecurity threats are everywhere. The security solution landscape can be challenging. The first step towards protecting your business is understanding exactly what the threats are—and how we can help you put the right Microsoft Security solutions in place. Sign up for our mailing list to explore how the world’s most comprehensive approach to security can help your business. Let’s stay connected!  



miércoles, 28 de junio de 2023

Keep in touch!

Data doesn’t move itself. People move and interact with data, and that's where the majority of data security risks stem from. Managing insider risk is an often-overlooked aspect of data security. Your customers need an integrated security solutions that help secure data, protect privacy, and mitigate risks. Sign up for our mailing list to explore how a comprehensive approach to security can help your business. Let’s stay connected!  
#microsoftsecurity #microsoftpurview 


Microsoft Digital Defense Report

Do you know what the current cybersecurity landscape looks like? Can you gauge how at-risk your business is? Read the Microsoft Digital Defense Report 2022 to get answers to these questions—and more. You'll learn more about the scope and scale of today’s threats, how Microsoft is helping to dismantle cybercrime, and what we can do to help address your business' vulnerabilities. 

 #threatprotection #microsoftsecurity 


martes, 27 de junio de 2023

Let’s Connect

A multi-cloud world requires a new approach to security.  Your business needs a comprehensive security solution that harnesses the power of AI to protect against internal and external cyberthreats and secure your multi-cloud environments. 

Sign up for our mailing list and learn how to protect your multi-cloud workloads with advanced threat protection technologies and leading threat intelligence. Let’s stay connected! 


Building a Holistic Insider Risk Management Program

When it comes to data security, businesses need to consider building an insider risk management program. But how do you include the right people, processes, training, and tools? Here are five elements that help companies achieve stronger data security while protecting user privacy and trust. Read more. 
#microsoftsecurity #microsoftpurview 


ING uses Microsoft Security solutions to reimagine banking for a digital audience

38 million customers. 40 different countries. When it comes to global presence, banking giant ING is no slouch. Now that it’s reimagining banking services for a growing digital audience, ING needs comprehensive solutions to protect against cyberattack. Find out why ING chooses Microsoft Security.  
#threatprotection #microsoftsecurity 


lunes, 26 de junio de 2023

Quickly assess risks in your environment with Insider Risk Management analytics

Do you know what employees are doing with your sensitive company data? Addressing insider risks is a lot simpler than you might think. With Microsoft Purview Insider Risk Management, you can quickly get actionable insights and recommendations. Learn more. 
#microsoftsecurity #microsoftpurview 


jueves, 22 de junio de 2023

Rabobank balances the books with Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention

International financial organization Rabobank navigates a complicated data protection matrix that includes overlapping regulations, global and regional company policies, and demanding business requirements. That’s why it turned to Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention, along with other Microsoft technologies, to help secure more than 42,000 endpoints and curtail inappropriate data sharing. Read more.  
#microsoftsecurity  #microsoftpurview   


Let’s Stay Connected!

Staying up-to-speed with the changing security landscape is challenging, and many businesses have large gaps in coverage. Now is the time to find integrated business security solutions built to work across platforms and cloud environments. We can help safeguard your people, data, and infrastructure. Sign up for our mailing list to explore how the world’s most comprehensive approach to security can help your business. Let’s stay connected! 
#MicrosoftSecurity #ProtectEverything  


miércoles, 21 de junio de 2023

Ways Microsoft Helps Simplify Security

Modern threats are increasingly complex, but your security solution doesn’t have to be. With the average cost of a data breach reaching all-time highs, protecting your people and data from adversaries is more important than ever.   

Read more about Microsoft Security Solutions, then reach out to our team. We can help you find a tailored, comprehensive solution that helps you do more with less by enabling you to be more efficient, effective, and unified. 




Fortify data security with Microsoft Purview​

Where does your sensitive data reside? Who can access it? The fact is, your data is everywhere, and there’s more of it than ever. Old security strategies don’t work anymore. That’s where Microsoft Purview can help. Download the ebook to learn why this single unified solution helps you secure data wherever it lives, prevent data loss with the right policies, and even manage insider risk. You’ll also get details on how to use Microsoft Purview to automate data security too. Get the ebook now. 
#microsoftsecurity #microsoftpurview 


Microsoft Defender for Cloud: Protection for Hybrid and Multi-cloud Environments

Cyberattacks keep growing in size and scope, with more entry points that can be breached. Microsoft Defender for Cloud can help you strengthen your security posture. Read this ESG Research Technical Validation paper to see how.  
#microsoftsecurity #protect everything.  


martes, 20 de junio de 2023

Global Energy Leader Safeguards its Digital Transformation with Automated App Governance

Global energy leader bp is undergoing a digital overhaul as it shifts from being an international oil company to an integrated energy company. Bp generates billions of data signals and uses thousands of third-party and line-of-business Microsoft 365 Open Authorization (OAuth) applications to run a global enterprise with 90,000 users. They wanted better visibility of app permissions, how much data each app handles, and app behavior so the company could scale with real-time, automated controls and policy settings. Microsoft Security solutions, including Microsoft Defender for Cloud apps, took them to the next level.


Digital event highlights new features in Microsoft Purview

Keeping company and customer data secure needs to be less complicated. That’s why Microsoft Purview gives your busy security teams effective tools to keep data protected across clouds and platforms. Learn about new features today—and keep your sensitive data protected.  
#microsoftsecurity #protecteverything


lunes, 19 de junio de 2023

Fortify data security to secure your most sensitive data

Data security incidents are a keystroke away. If you need to prevent data loss, it’s time to start identifying risky or unauthorized use before they become data breaches. Learn how Microsoft Purview Data Loss Prevention gives you the layers of security you need to navigate today’s complicated data security landscape. Learn more.  
#microsoftsecurity #microsoftpurview 


jueves, 15 de junio de 2023

Let’s Connect

Staying current with today’s changing security landscape can be daunting. Now is the time to protect your multi-cloud resources, workloads, and apps. We can help.  


Sign up for our mailing list to explore how the world’s most comprehensive approach to security can keep your business competitive. Let’s stay connected! 


EY teams synchronize collaboration for over 300k users with modernized identity and data governance

With more than 300,000 professional services consultants, EY is a busy, collaborative company with reams of confidential information its mandated to protect. Fortunately, this professional services company found the ideal data security strategy using Microsoft Purview. Find out more. 
#microsoftsecurity #microsoftpurview 


miércoles, 14 de junio de 2023

Keep in touch!

We want to show you how modern data security is within your grasp. Sign up for our mailing list to see why Microsoft Purview Information Protection gets “Outstanding in Functionality” in the KuppingerCole Market Compass for Secure Collaboration. Plus, you’ll learn why it’s the only company to be awarded the highest possible scores in all five categories: security, deployment, interoperability, usability, and market standing. Learn more. #microsoftsecurity #microsoftpurview 


How To Use Zero Trust To Defend Against Cyberattacks Through An Economic Downturn

A changing economy leads to IT cutbacks and can pressure security programs. But did you know that you can use the right technologies to gain unexpected wins even in challenging times? Find out how your business can use Zero Trust to push security transformation while cutting business costs.  
#zerotrust #microsoftsecurity 


martes, 13 de junio de 2023

The Increasing Challenges of Cloud Security

Cybersecurity threats today are increasingly sophisticated – and are intensified by the complexity of hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Integrated protection for your multi-cloud resources, apps, and data is more important than ever. 

We understand the challenges organizations like yours are facing. Let us show you how to protect your multi-cloud estate.  


4 things to look for in a multicloud data protection solution

Do you use multiple clouds in your business? Chances are, the answer is yes. The next question is how are you securing your sensitive business data? Here are four things you need to know. Learn more 
#microsoftsecurity #microsoftpurview 


Equitable Bank thwarts red team with comprehensive Microsoft Security solutions

Canada’s #1 all digital bank made Microsoft Security the cornerstone of its security strategy. Equitable Bank didn’t just bolster its defenses against cybersecurity attacks. It got a whole lot more security for a lot less. Learn more. 


lunes, 12 de junio de 2023

KuppingerCole rates Microsoft as outstanding for secure collaboration

More accolades for Microsoft data security solutions! Microsoft Purview Information Protection gets “Outstanding in Functionality” in the KuppingerCole Market Compass for Secure Collaboration. Plus, it’s the only company to be awarded the highest possible scores in all five categories: security, deployment, interoperability, usability, and market standing. Get the details. 
#microsoftsecurity #microsoftpurview 


viernes, 9 de junio de 2023

Secure Your Multi-cloud Environments

Strengthen your cloud security posture and protect workloads running in Azure-- on-premises and in other clouds. Reach out to our team to get a customized threat and vulnerability analysis of your hybrid and multi-cloud environments. Learn how to build a more robust cloud security system with Microsoft, so you can do more with less. 


miércoles, 7 de junio de 2023

Microsoft named Leader in 2022 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Security Information and Event Management

Cybersecurity shouldn’t be overwhelming. Did you know that Microsoft security solutions can help you transform your cybersecurity operations, starting with Microsoft Sentinel for your SIEM? Find out why Gartner has named Microsoft a Leader in the 2022 Gartner Magic QuadrantTM for Security Information and Event Management. Then learn more about how we can help you get started. 


jueves, 23 de marzo de 2023

Keep Up With the Latest News

Get more productivity, better security, and cost savings when you maximize the value of your technology investments with Microsoft 365.

No matter how you run your business or your team, Microsoft 365 is the cloud-first platform that enables all the ways people work today – wherever, whenever, and however.

Sign up for our mailing list to learn why Microsoft 365 is a better way to work for your small business. We can help you do more with less. Let’s stay connected!


martes, 21 de marzo de 2023

Stay in touch.

No matter how you are looking to modernize-- on-premises, in the cloud, through Cloud Native Apps, Cloud Scale Analytics, or AI –Microsoft will help you modernize quickly, efficiently, and successfully to reach your business goals.  

Sign up to learn how you can accelerate innovation with Azure Synapse Analytics and enable existing knowledge to be identified, accessed, combined, and deployed to address any problem.


Microsoft 365 for Small Business

It’s hard to overstate the impact of having secure and reliable productivity and collaboration tools. It’s these tools that enable the communication, flexibility, and innovation that keep businesses thriving in this new era of hybrid work.

Small- and medium-sized (SMB) businesses are no exception, but they need tools tailored to their unique needs and challenges. Microsoft 365 for Business can help your business do more with less.

See how.


viernes, 17 de marzo de 2023

Microsoft announces partner ecosystem for its Intelligent Data Platform

Database modernization is accelerating as businesses look to extract insights to inform critical business decisions. To adopt data-driven business models and embrace adaptive analytics, organizations need flexible, available, and resilient database solutions that consistently deliver data to business-critical applications—all at cloud scale.